Diverse Geography
Multiple Range Types
Del Norte Gun Club features many berm styles, from pistol, shotgun and 3-gun to long-range rifle up to 1,000 yards, and even archery ranges.
Easily Accessed in Rio Rancho
Del Norte Gun Club is conveniently located in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, approximately 30 minutes West of the I25. DNGC also features camper hookups for overnight stays.
Events & Competition
Del Norte Gun Club features a wide variety of competitions, from traditional 1/2 day matches to multi-day tournaments and PRS events.
About DNGC
Our Mission
DNGC is a very friendly, Member-centered organization of shooters. Our focus is on safe firearms fun. We feature world-class facilities and competitions all year round.

Members Get All The Perks
Membership in the club provides access to our 700-acre facility with a wide spectrum of shooting activities.DNGC hosts monthly membership setup classes. These classes go over the basic safety surrounding the range, and introduces new shooters to the range.
DNGC Basics
About the Gun Club
Del Norte is the only facility of its kind in Central New Mexico with facilities for almost all shooting activities. Ranges included: Archery, 1000 yard rifle, pistol ranges, 100 to 300 rifle benches, and a large shotgun/sporting clays facility. From the serious competitor to the weekend plinker, DNGC can accommodate you.
Upcoming DNGC Events
We teach you the most important tactical skills for keeping and using handguns, rifles, and shotguns. We work with certified trainers only and guarantee a comfortable practice environment.RANGE CLOSED for Maintenance till Noon
February 12 @ 4:00 am - 12:00 pmNew Member Orientation Classroom #1 9am – 1pm
February 15 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pmIDPA bays 1 -5
February 15 @ 8:00 am - February 16 @ 5:00 pm22 Rimfire Tactical Match Bays 7-9 10am – 2:30
February 15 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pmFull Bore Match 1000yd KD Range
February 16 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Rio Rancho